Art of Prayer E-Books....

"God has been good to me. My Art of Prayer E-books are not for sale. I don't set a price for these e-books because I want them to be available to as many people as possible, including those who may not be able to pay for them at the moment. Therefore, if this website and the Art of Prayer E-books have been a blessing to you, feel free to donate. Thank you. " - Alton Felix

What Is This E-Book Is About?

Prayer moves mountains. The Art of Prayer Series encourage the reader to pray the Word of God so as to strengthen their faith and relationship with God. Psalm 23 is perhaps the most read Psalm in the Holy Bible. In this Prayer E-book, each chapter:

(a) focuses on one verse of Psalm 23 and provides a sort reflection on it;;

(b) showcases a beautiful painting;

(c) provides a short prayer which is related to the scripture verse used in that chapter

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